Children’s Catechumenate

Children’s Catechumenate

Unbaptized Students or Students who need to make up a missed Sacrament:

Students arearents will be contacted by the Family Faith Formation Office and will be placed in RCIA to help them catch up. The parish and the families work together to prepare for the reception of the sacraments.

Students who are held back in Public School:

Students are placed in a graded program of Family Faith Formation.  It is our policy that students are placed in the same grade they are in public school.  If a student is held back, it is usually due to immaturity, not failure.  We will be happy to assign them a new catechist.

Students who have missed a year or more of Family Faith Formation:

Parents will be contacted by the Family Faith Formation Office and will be given materials to catch them up in their grade level.  Students will be interviewed and placed in an appropriate class.

For any other questions or concerns, please contact Joan Rischmiller, DRE or 688-5760.

Ask, and you will receive.
Search and you will find.
Knock, and the door
will be opened for you.
Everyone who asks will receive.
Everyone who searches will find.
And the door will be opened
for everyone who knocks. 

Matthew 7:7-8 CEV